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Secretarial Support Retainer Packages 


We have various start-up options which will suit your business and its ongoing needs.  Our clients always start on the small number of hours per month, the Starter Retainer package, we can get to know their business and decide which is the appropriate level required for them.

The Retainer packages are tailored to your current business needs, and you purchase a certain number of hours per month on a retainer contract.  These Starter Retainer Packages are bespoke to your business needs for ongoing support.

Your business may fluctuate between busy and quiet periods, so one of these packages may suit your style.

Minimum requirement is 3 months

Payment is monthly in advance

Starter Retainer Packages

Starter Retainer

General Secretarial, Admin Support, Appointment/Meeting Scheduling

5 hours per month - £210

Starter+ Retainer

General Secretarial Support, Appointment/Meeting Scheduling, Reformatting Word Documents

10  hours per month - £410

Starter++ Retainer

Tailored Secretarial Support plus Appointment/Meeting Scheduling, Reformatting Word Documents

15 hours per month - £600

Additional hours can be purchased if you have used your per month hours on the above package at £42.00 per hour.

Review my Case Study 4 which will give you an idea how this can be implemented in your business.


Address:     Kenmore

                      West Yorkshire BD19 3ED
Phone:       +44 (0) 7918 667509

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