Untangling your web of admin issues
Secretarial and Office Management Business Services
Contact: kathryn@kbadminsolutions.co.uk
Mobile: 07918 667509

Secretarial Bespoke Support
Long Document Reproduction
The Process
Handwritten notes were provided to Kathryn Brooke Admin Solutions by hand and also scanned and emailed. Once these notes were received to commenced reproducing into a typewritten format.
We ascertained from the client what formatting criteria was required such as: double spacing, font size etc.
The project was just under 10,000 words and was completed within the timeframe agreed using Microsoft Word software.
Client Benefit
Although the client could type, she was not a fast typist and she preferred to hand write her answers for her course.
She was hoping to type her work herself but time was against her and she was pleased that Kathryn Brooke Admin Solutions completed this work well within schedule and this had given her the time to re-read her answers and amend, as necessary.