Untangling your web of admin issues
Secretarial and Office Management Business Services
Contact: kathryn@kbadminsolutions.co.uk
Mobile: 07918 667509

Starter++ Retainer Package
Customer Relationship Management
What we did
After researching the best CRM database system (Customer Relationship Management), we decided that an online system would be the best type to use so that both the client and Kathryn Brooke Admin Solutions can have access. So we transferred contact information from the spreadsheet into the database and we maintained this with updated correspondence to their contacts.
Student forms were created which involved Registration and Enrolment forms and these were designed to be completed online.
Leaflets were created from information already provided and from this same information we were able to start creating Newsletters.
Systems and processes were being created ie who should have access to student information, where should this information be stored, who and when to send out various forms and also preparing a Standard Operating Procedure for staff to follow.
Also it was decided to use OneDrive and SharePoint to store documents from students with limited access for other Contractors.
Client Benefit
The client was pleased that he can access the database and have his correspondence to his contacts in one area which he can access with ease.
Although the client knew he wanted student forms and what he wanted to include on these forms, but to actually produce something that can be completed online was something he hadn't thought about.
He started seeing that the administrative processes were starting to take shape and operating systems being in place together with newsletters developed and distributed.
With the client being on a Retainer Package, it gives Kathryn Brooke Admin Solutions the opportunity to understand the client's business and discuss, through the review sessions, their needs and interpret this into providing added value to their business.