Amazing Clients!

Over the years we have been incredibly fortunate to be working with some amazing clients and with that I mean retaining clients.

We have found that the main advantage of working with retaining clients, is you get to know their business and you become part of their team. No matter how small your contribution is to your clients' business it all counts and as secretaries I think it is built within us to provide a service which is beneficial to our clients' goals.

This is why our previous and present clients have put their confidence in Kathryn Brooke Admin Solutions to pull tasks together for them after they have provided brief instructions.

It's a satisfying feeling to know that we have made a difference for them just by creating client emails, pulling their existing information together from various sources to create flyers/leaflets, ensuring that they are sticking to their quality procedures right through to pulling and creating documentation for their tenders.

It all saves my clients' valuable time which they use on more productive work which they themselves are the only qualified person to undertake.

There is definitely mileage to having retaining clients and learning more about their business so we can provide a quality service to them so they can move their business forward.

How do you like to work with your contractors, do you think it is helpful or may be harmful to your business for a virtual secretary to know more of what your business does?

Take care


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