Work Anniversary

LinkedIn has reminded me that I have achieved my 5 years of being in business.

Can't believe it, it has gone so fast!

As with everyone who starts out in business, the first year is slow and you start to wonder whether to keep going, or go back into the "Corporate" world.

I'm glad I didn't go back and continued looking forward and making plans in my business. I've met some amazing people along the way and worked with some forward thinking businesses.

Talking about being forward thinking, I am now offering group practical training workshops, here in Bradford providing my knowledge on the use of Microsoft applications.

My first course was earlier in the month which was based on providing quick Tips and Tricks for Word 2010/13/16. Only one student was working on 2007 version of Word, but we managed to do the training, with only one item from the programme that wasn't compatible.

Feedback from the course has been positive and I can tell from their reactions that some of what they have learnt will be used immediately in their business.

So, my next training session in Bradford will be based around some of what we touched on in the first training, but going into depth and creating templates.

I was wondering, as I enter my 6th year in business, whether any of you have reached a milestone in your business and how did you mark your achievement?

Still continuing with my primary work; helping my clients with providing admin processes for their business is very satisfying, knowing I make a difference has made these last 5 years worthwhile.

If you want to know more about my courses or even need assistance in your business, then do drop me a line.

Take care


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